Important Dates
Bayreuth-Melbourne Colloid/Polymer Network @ ACIS 2019
3rd - 7th February 2019
Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart, Tasmania
As the ACIS 2019 will start within a few days, please fine some updated information on the conference and on the large group of 31 network members and students attending the conference following:
The ACIS symposium is structured on themes based on common scientific or technological subjects in the areas of colloids and interfaces, with 6 themes over the symposium, and as many as three themes running in parallel.
- Soft Material Engineering in Foods, Consumer Care Products and Pharmaceuticals
- Colloids in Medicine
- Colloidal systems of graphene and 2D materials
- Scattering in Colloid and Interface Science
- Nanoparticles: Colloidal Stability, Self-assembly and Interactions with Light
- Colloidal Frontiers: Fundamentals and Applications from Micro to Macro
Detailed theme descriptions as well as the program and the abstracts can be found on the ACIS website.
As such a large group of 31 network members and students will attend the ACIS 2019 and will inform about their research topics and activities we made a short program excerpt listing up all presentations of network members and students as well as additional network activities during the conference. Download here …
We’re looking forward to an interesting conference and a successful network event.