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Bayreuth-Melbourne Colloid/Polymer Network

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Joint PhD

The University of Bayreuth and its partner institutions, the University of Melbourne and Monash University, have agreed on common international joint PhD programmes. As part of our network, two young female researchers from the University of Bayreuth were already awarded this double degree for their doctoral studies.

Furthermore, the University of Melbourne and the BayNAT Graduate School at the University of Bayreuth have signed a common Graduate Researcher Agreement, which regulates the general conditions for future PhD students who complete their joint PhD in both Melbourne and Bayreuth.
Graduate researchers undertake a joint-PhD project at both universities and, as part of the experience, spend at least 12 months of their doctoral studies in each location, accessing research facilities and expertise at both institutions. They are supported by their supervisors in each place and will benefit by an established research network between Melbourne and Bayreuth and an active partnership and exchange. PhD students within this programme are eligible to graduate with a jointly awarded PhD and a diploma from each university. The programme is currently offering 8 joint PhD scholarships, which are to start towards the end of 2020. Stipends and travel support will be available.

Successful applicants will:

  • Gain complementary skills from international colleagues to increase the impact of their research
  • Grow their international networks and develop a truly global perspective
  • Become part of two high-quality research environments and cultures
  • Have the joint nature of their PhD reflected by two diplomas

Two doctoral students in the field of biofabrication are currently participating in this programme as an international working pair, jointly supervised by Prof. Thomas Scheibel (University of Bayreuth) and  Prof. Greg Qiao (University of Melbourne). Additional applicants are already waiting in the wings.

We are looking forward to receiving further applications. Please contact us if you are interested or have any questions.

Graduated Joint PhDs

Susanne SeibtHide

Thesis title:          In-situ Investigations of Molecular Self-Assembly Using Microfluidics

Supervisors:         Prof. Stephan Förster, University of Bayreuth / Forschungszentrum Jülich
                           Prof. Paul Mulvaney, University of Melbourne

Defense:              June 2018

Maria RitterHide

Thesis:               In-situ monitored growth of semiconducting nanoclusters and nanoparticles

Supervisors:        Prof. Stephan Förster, University of Bayreuth / Forschungszentrum Jülich
                          Prof. Paul Mulvaney, University of Melbourne

Defense:             September 2018

Webmaster: Sylvia Sprödhuber

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