Monash University
The Monash University, founded in 1958, I Australia’s largest university and belongs to the prestigious “group of eight” top Australian Universities. She is ranked in the top one per cent of universities worldwide and is consistently listed as a preferred source of graduates by companies the world over.
Research on novel materials for the life sciences and energy applications are likewise main priorities. Hence, expertise in polymer and colloid science has a strong tradition. With regard to the envisaged thematic network, the Monas University is ranked among the top 10 Australian research institutes in chemistry, physics and among the top 5 Australian institutes in engineering by the National Report on Excellence in Research for Australia (2012). Thus the Monash University has profiles that are characterized by evidence of an outstanding performance well above world standard in engineering and above world standard in physics and chemistry. The university plays a leading role within the ARC Centre of Excellence in Convergent Bio-Nano Science and Technology (ARC-CEBioNano), which focuses on materials for bio-applications, and the ARC Centre of Excellence in NanoBioPhotonics, which covers both energy and biomaterials aspects. Monash University has shown a strong commitment towards the development of novel energy materials through their recently established Renewable Energy labs (> 1,000 m2 custom-built designated lab and office space) as well as the imminent announcement of the establishment of the Monash Energy Materials and Systems Institute.