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Susanne Seibt submits joint PhD thesis

16th April 2018

PhD candidate Susanne Seibt submits her thesis for joint phd with the University of Melbourne

Great step towards the first joint PhD within our Bayreuth-Melbourne Polymer/Colloid Network:

Susanne Seibt is the first network student to submit a joint PhD thesis between the University of Melbourne and the University of Bayreuth.

Her supervisor in Melbourne is Prof. Dr. Paul Mulvaney, School of Chemistry and Bio 21 Institute, University of Melbourne and Director of ARC Centre of Exciton Science. The supervisor of the University of Bayreuth is Prof. Dr, Stephan Förster, meanwhile Head of Institute JCNS-1 and ICS-1, Neutron Scattering at the Forschungszentrum Jülich. 

Susanne Seibt started her PhD research in winter term 2014 / 15 at the chair of Physical Chemistry I at the University of Bayreuth. A scholarship of our network enabled her to get in touch with her later supervisor Prof. Paul Mulvaney, his research group and the lab infrastructure as well as the Australian way of life.

Supported by a second scholarship of our network, financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) sponsored  by funds of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Susanne Seibt was able to execute a long-term research stay of 16 months in Melbourne as an important part of her doctoral studies.

During her time in Melbourne Susanne Seibt attended two conferences, also funded by our network:

  • The conference of the Australian Colloid and Interface Society (ACIS) in Coffs Harbour where she gave the lecture “Synthesis and Controlled Growh of Monodisperse Au-Nanorods” (Feb 2017)
  • The International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN) in Wollongong where she gave a lecture as invited speaker about her doctoral research topic (Jan 2018)

Susanne Seibt's thesis title is "In situ investigations of molecular self-assembly using microfluidics".
In addition to her thesis she has published two scientific articles.

Dear Susanne we wish you all the best for finishing your Joint PhD degree. You were one of the first candidates in this pilot project and overcame all obstacles with great power of endurance and patience. We are very happy that you are one of our network students. Best wishes for the future!

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