Bayreuth International Online Course (BIOC) Biofabrication
6 - 9 July 2020
We are happy to welcome 19 international participants to our BIOC Biofabrication from today until Thursday noon:
- 12 participants from the Master's programme "Biofabrication" at the University of Bayreuth,
- 5 Australian PhD students from our Bayreuth-Melbourne Colloid/Polymer Network and
- 2 further international participants from Estonia and Great Britain.
They will be offered interesting lectures on various topics in the field of biofabrication / material design by 15 lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering at the Bayreuth University, supported by 3 Australian network lecturers from the University of Melbourne and CSIRO. Please find our time table here.
Due to COVIC-19 restrictions the course is offered totally online with a large number of lectures held live via zoom, supplemented by some pre-recorded lectures and live chats. A teambuilding session and active breaks are also integrated in the program. Additional information on the City of Bayreuth as well as on the university and the Master's programmes of Biofabriation and Polymer Science are provided online as well.
We're looking forward to a successful and inspiring event!