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Prof. Dr. Jürgen Köhler new PI of the the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

06. Oktober 2021

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Köhler: Chair of Experimental Physics IV, University of Bayreuth; Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Sciences

It's our pleasure to announce that the Australian Research Council has formally approved the addition of our network member Prof. Dr. Jürgen Köhler as a Partner Investigator to the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science.

This will further strenghten the collaboration in our network between the University of Bayreuth and our partner institutions in Melbourne, first and foremost the University of Melbourne.
After Prof. Dr. Anna Köhler, who is an Associate Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence team, Prof. Jürgen Köhler is now the second network member in this high-ranking research association.

The ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science is funded by the Australian Research Council to bring together researchers and industry to discover new ways to source and use energy.

The Centre, led by our network member Prof. Dr. Paul Mulvaney is a collaboration between Australian universities and international partners to research better ways to manipulate the way light energy is absorbed, transported and transformed in advanced molecular materials.

The ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science is aiming for a future where all types of light transform into renewable energy. A future where light powers our world.

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